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Złota lista życzeń

Złota lista życzeń jest dostępna wyłącznie dla Złoci Menedżerowie. Jest to lista życzeń dostępna we wszystkich Świat Gry, do której można dodać maksymalnie 250 graczy, których chciałbyś sprowadzić do więcej niż jednego klubu prowadzonego przez ciebie.

Whilst adding a player to your club's shortlist, you also have the option of adding them to your Złota lista życzeń and this is done by selecting Add to Gold Shortlist? The player is then added to a predefined group based on the properties of the player, for example 90+ Rated Players.

In order to receive Club Messages about the players on your Złota lista życzeń make sure you have added them to a club's individual shortlist as well.

The benefit of a gold shortlist is it saves time that would otherwise be spent adding the same player to the shortlist for multiple teams. It also simplifies the process of creating a new shortlist for any new club that you take control of as there would already be a predefined shortlist available.